PM Meso Legal Help for Mesothelioma Victims

Why Choose Pulaski Law Firm PLLC

There are tons of law firms out there, but very few have the experience, expertise and personalized attention that ensure a favorable outcome for you—particularly when dealing with a complex mesothelioma case like yours.

You’ll find several things that set Pulaski Law Firm PLLC apart from other law firms, ensuring a successful resolution to your claim, whether it be by settlement or trial. We will also help you file your bankruptcy trust claim, making the process easier and faster so you can get the most possible amount quickly.

You’ll choose us for these 6 reasons

1. We understand how personal injury can affect every facet of your life, and the lives of the people who care about you. Your situation is delicate and requires compassion. Pulaski Law Firm PLLC takes great pride in our personal approach to the practice of law. You aren’t just a business relationship—you are a friend. We empathize with you and care about getting justice for you. As a result, we are able to build and maintain strong relationships with all of our clients.

Contact options

Get answers and peace of mind. Speak to a mesothelioma lawyer now.

Call: 1-866-594-2279

2. You want a quick, favorable resolution because your time may be limited. As soon as you contact us, we “hit the ground running”, working efficiently and as quickly as possible to protect your rights.

3. As a client, you’ll be kept up-to-date on your recent case developments with cutting-edge technology. That means you won’t be left in the dark about your case, or what we’re doing for you. We always maintain an open line of communication so you known what’s going on all the time. You’ll be walked through every step of your case in order to give you the support and guidance you need, while we focus on holding those who caused your injury responsible for their negligent actions.

4. We have established a number of valuable professional relationships with experts in the fields of investigation, medicine and finance. We draw on their expertise to provide the necessary evidence to support your case. We’ll also be in constant communication with your doctor or specialist, so we can have a comprehensive understanding of your situation.

5. We have extensive experience with mesothelioma cases, whether it be filing a trust claim, obtaining a settlement, or going to trial and fighting for your rights. For this reason, we have become reputed as being one of the leading mesothelioma law firms in the country and are respected by our peers.

6. We know how difficult it can be to make time in your schedule to meet with your lawyer. For this reason, our lawyers can provide you with a little more flexibility when scheduling meetings. That way, your case can continually progress without delays caused by missing meetings.

We understand that this is one of the hardest times you will endure. That’s why you should focus on getting better while our personal injury lawyers handle the legalities of the case for you. We guarantee that you will get the attention and time you deserve.

Contact options

We understand the pressures of caring for a loved one. If sending an email works better for you than calling us, please use the contact form now.

I got my settlement letter on Wednesday. It’s a day I honestly never actually thought I would see. I wanted to sincerely thank you and your team for all of your hard work and time. I think it’s also important that you hear how much your work not only made a financial difference for my family to catch up from all of the medical expenses, but more importantly, that we don't have to worry about our financial future with my husband being gone. — Jen D.